This is a communication network protocol based on LORA and more suited for big application and industry.
It offers lots of advantages such as:
- Managing registration and authentication of end devices and other network components
- Managing the routes data take and determines which sensor is allowed to talk with which gateway
- Encrypting and decrypting messages for security and privacy
- Data rate adaptation based on signal quality
A typical LORAWAN infrastructure consists of:
- LORAWAN-compliant end devices
- Gateway(s)receive/send data from the end devices
- Network server receive/send data from/to the gateways
- Application server (also used as the user interface)
LORAWAN example
A dairy products factory needs to permanently control the temperature, pressure, humidity and vibration of its production line, cold storage rooms and various machines.
Hundreds of sensors could be installed on the points to monitor, a gateway that relays the sensors data to the network server, then the latter sends all these data to an application server where an operator can monitor